Are You Biased In Your Stock Trading?
February 25, 2010 by Tony
Filed under Stock Trading
Having a directional bias in your stock trading can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing. We have all heard people refer to themselves as “bulls” or “bears”. Sometimes stock traders claim these labels permanently. While having a temporary bias can be understandable, it can still have a negative affect on […]
Stock Trading Systems X – The Next Trade 8-25-2008
August 22, 2008 by Tony
Filed under Stock Trading
We will sell GM on the open on Monday, 8-25-2008.
Stock Trading Systems X – Tomorrow’s Trade 8-21-2008
August 20, 2008 by Tony
Filed under Stock Trading
We bought AIG – American International Group, Inc. (NYSE) at the open today and closed the trade out at a small profit. For tomorrow we have no trades.
Stock Trading Systems X – Tomorrow’s Trade 8-20-2008
August 19, 2008 by Tony
Filed under Stock Trading
We bought GM at the open and closed the trade out at a small loss. For tomorrow we will buy AIG – American International Group, Inc. (NYSE) on the open.
Stock Trading Systems X – Tomorrow’s Trade 8-19-2008
August 18, 2008 by Tony
Filed under Stock Trading
We will buy GM on the open tomorrow. We had no trade today.
A Few Words On Stock Trading Risk Control
May 30, 2008 by Tony
Filed under Featured Stock Trading Articles
There is one simple thing that can make the difference between success and failure in your stock trading. It’s not some magical formula or some Holy Grail as many might have you believe. It’s very simple basic rule that every successful trader must follow. That is the rule of risk control. If you do […]